Two of these were marked SFW. Y’all got some interesting concepts of what’s safe at work.
Can I work where you work?
Artists Included:
Gryphon BBQ (http://)
FearingFun (
chockyshy (http://)
Two of these were marked SFW. Y’all got some interesting concepts of what’s safe at work.
Can I work where you work?
Artists Included:
Gryphon BBQ (http://)
FearingFun (
chockyshy (http://)
She must really be in character, or mistakenly thinks she IS a princess!
Thanks for participating, 32232232
Artists Included:
32232232 (
Well, Applejack is rarely gonna suggest “Oranges”. Let’s hope Rainbow Dash and Fluttershy get better!
Thanks for submitting, 32232232 and Anonymous.
Artists Included:
32232232 (
Yes…more butt…
Thanks to our artists, focait, Joey Waggoner, and hexado for your submissions!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artists Included:
focait (
Joey Waggoner ( and
hexado (
She just wants to hang out and chill, have Flutters over for some relaxin’ and smokin’, living that hippy horse life.
Many thanks to all of you who took part in the challenge today! I hope you had fun and will come back again for future challenges!
Artists Included:
Nova Spark (
420Roku (
Veesocks (
An NSFW variant of a sub we have coming up in the SFW group. Not only is it far out, seems like Tree Hugger is letting it all hang out as well!
Thanks for going to the extra effort for this one, VeesocksAD! Hope to see you back again soon!
Artists Included:
VeesocksAD (
WOW!!! So many great submissions today!
I see that everyone enjoys there music in different ways. Thanks to everyone who submitted!!
Artists Included:
32232232 (
m0nster-c00kie (
Veesocks (
xbi (
Look at this adorable little coffee shop hors. Gosh she’s so trendily boopable.
Thanks for participating Pabbles, hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~
Artists Included:
Pabbles (
The awaited conclusion of the first piece I see XD
Oh Fluttershy, you do the best pranks.
Artists Included:
32232232 (
“Fool’s Day for Fluttershy? Why so seriousss?”
Thanks for participating, 32232232 and Empyu!
Join us later for the Cadance Challenge!
Artists Included:
32232232 (
Empyu (