And then there’s some adorable Sonatas sometimes eating tacos! Now I want a taco… Thanks for submitting, and we’ll see you later for the Luna challenge!

Artists Included:

Pirate Dash (
IcaCatheriaNoid (
Mabu (

Technically one of these fits the challenge :p even if you guys are butt faces. The other two yer lucky I appreciate sass and weirdness.

(2nd one has no indication of pone and 3rd has no dongle of any kind at all :p just for clarification)

Anyway, Moondancer has the biggest dongle. It’s canon. Twilight finds this hard to swallow. If you know what I mean.

Hope you nerds had fun :3 we’ll see you next time for more challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

Douloug (
Mol. Kogwheel (
Mabu (

Sorry about the box issues there, had my net drop out on me.

But thankfully someone else was around to just DO IT for a minute there.

If anyone wanted to submit but missed the window let us know and we’ll try to get things sorted out.

But anyway a great pair of drawings :3

We’ll see ya later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

Mabu (
hackd (