King Sombra has Celestia and Luna captive! Meanwhile, Wonderbolts prepare for battle!

Thanks for participating, m0nster-c00kie,iamStaticDust and xbi!

Join us later for the Twilight Challenge!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
iamStaticDust (
xbi (

Ah the power of air conditioning and shade! And Pinkie definitely needs something to sate that thirst!

Thanks for the submissions everyone! We hope you all had fun! We’ll see you for the Luna challenge

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
xbi (
Pabbles (

Oh dear, looks like some ponies can’t take the heat!

Thanks for the submissions everyone! Hope you all had a blast! We’ll see you again for the Celestia challenge!

Artists Included:

Chezamoon18 (
xbi (
OverUnity (
Pabbles (