So much wood everywhere! And with so many bones about, she must be one happy hound!

Both the artists who submitted did so anonymously, so thank you mystery artists! You pieces and participation are appreciated.

More Kirin! Also this pile of horse!

I think this last submission must have got caught in the door on the last challenge…. so there’s that voltron-y thing!

Also we got two more Kirin! Nice! 😀

Thanks for participating folks, hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~




Uh…umm….wh-which….are you….there’s an implication here, with the outfit and stuff, Golden Harvest, and I just…wanna make sure I’m not getting mixed messages, yeah?

Thanks for taking time to take part today, gloss!

Artist: gloss (https://twitter.com/rudestyle_)

NSFW Art~!

Oh Lil Cheese, you both confuse and intrigue me.

Thanks for taking the time to take part today, Pabbles!

Artist: Pabbley (https://twitter.com/pabbley)