I heartily approve of all these things :’D jolly good show.

Thanks for participating guys! I hope you liked the ‘bonus’!

We’ll see you all later for the usual challenge times! Bai bai~

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)

Ey, if it isn’t my favorite latina horse who ground children up.

Meanwhile, we see that part of being in hell is being really bored from so few others being there. Well at least death can always just leave.

Anywhoooo, quite the interesting turnout! Hope ya had fun making it so :3

We’ll see you all in about an hour for a bonus challenge! Until then buh bye~

Artists Included:

Whoof (http://griefertock.tumblr.com/)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)

A Sweetie to surpass even Metal Gear!

Vampiric powers, evil amulets, and crab battles… my oh my, she didn’t hold back did she? Good for Sweetie.

Nice job everyone, hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you all next time for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

Whoof (http://griefertock.tumblr.com/)
lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.tumblr.com/)