Sorry for the unnecessary delay. For some reason the other mod was unable to close…

Anyway, dem dancin’ horse!

Luna better be careful though, dancing in the shower is a good way to end up with a busted leg!

Anyway, hope you guys enjoy! We’ll see you tomorrow for more stuff, g’bye fo now~

Artists Included:

lumineko (
phallen1 (

Oh Sweetie. Why would you take one with a toilet in the background? Now everyone is gunna think you’re weird!

Is that Silver Spoon with Scoots or am I crazy?

Also featured are a confuzicorn and a dapper young beach Spike :3

Artists Included:

lumineko (
Lily Smith (
Jaybeem (
phallen1 (

Oh my, a love triangle centered around Miss Harshwhinny!?

And those two other perfectly normal things of course. Slime Hippie marriage and Cat proposing to Horse. Very natural.

Artists Included:

lumineko (
Bitgamer (
phallen1 (
William S./Rye_Dimar_Dragon (

Guess it’s bad notes and big mouths causing it! Seems reasonable enough to me.

Thanks for participating Kogwheel and Yeonang! Hope you had fun~

We’ll see you all later for more challenge! G’bye for now :3

Artists Included:

M.Kogwheel (
yeonang (