We’ve got memes. We’ve got hugs! We even have a smug bat!!

Thank you m0nster-c00kie, Empyu, and KD for your submissions!!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
KD (https://krystal-dragoness-art-corner.tumblr.com/)

What’s more epic that a showdown between the good and evil of one’s own self!?!? Very little comes to MY mind!

Thank you eldenjaftw, for taking part in tonight’s Luna challenge! Hope to see you back again for more challenges yet to come!

Artists Included:

elbenjaftw (http://elbenjaftw.tumblr.com)

Hehe…. I hope I’m too late!


You probably weren’t, but you submitted to the wrong source. Most of us can’t access the inbox you submitted to for security reasons. In the future please submit to http://30min.ponylogic.com

Twi loves fud, somehow never got the hang of making it though. Thanks for participating!


Hey Twilight this is a public place! Think of the foals! But I hope she finds the clothes she came for. Also Dashie looks adorable but what kinda box is that?!?

Thank you KD and Pabbles for your submission today! We hope to see you again soon!

Artists Included:

KD (https://krystal-dragoness-art-corner.tumblr.com/)
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)

WOWZERS! We have TWO submissions for this challenge!…well, more like ONE of them is submitting, the other seems much more of the dominating type~

A big thanks to our two participants, Zemer and mpushomework! Hope you both had fun, and will decide to join us again for future challenges!

Artists Included:

mpushomework (http://mpushomework.tumblr.com/)
Zemer (http://Zemer-art.tumblr.com)