Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Luna and Celestia fighting off the fierce northern weather and / or them in the aftermath!

Man, you’d think someone that literally controls the giant ball of burning in the sky could manage some coldness clouds, even some really good ones.

Aaaanyway, you’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

This is rather off topic but I can’t find information anywhere on this tumblr problem I’m having, my buttons for reblog/like cannot seem to exist outside of my dashboard feed, the only thing I see when I’m in someone else’s blog is notes and nothing else, did I accidentally turn off something o_O?

From what I heard yesterday night that may have to do with the theme they are using. A friend of mine said that because they use Redux, a common theme, stuff like that wasn’t showing up on their blog.

So pretty much it’s just a clash of new implementation with old themes…