I don’t think this is an advisable way to use highlighters…

I’m guessing the Rarara is from an earlier challenge, but it’s all good~ Thanks for the lewds, all!

Artists Included:

pddw (http://purpledorkdrawswhatever.tumblr.com/)
Frist (http://fristart.tumblr.com)
Fearingfun (http://fearingfun.tumblr.com)
Kit Bash (http://Kit-bash-art.tumblr.com)

Awwwwwwwwww yeah, time for the Twi HIGHLIGHT CHALLENGE!  All those bright colors and stuff, marking important info, man that’s just my favorite.  I don’t know where I’m going with this, but I know you only have √900 minutes to draw!

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Cupcakes!

Everypony loves ‘em, and it’s up to Pinkie Pie (sometimes with a little help from her friends and #1 assistant Apple Bloom) to make ’em! That’s right, we’re baking cupcakes up in here! There’s certainly nothing grim or dark about that. Just plain, innocent, delicious cupcakes! So draw some fukken’ cupcakes!

As a note, the box is and will remain open from the onslaught of challenges in the last batch. Feel free to draw any of those as well!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! We’ll throw whatever appears in the box up for all to see at the usual time! Have fun!

Art sources:
