Today’s Celestia challenge is a bouquets of flowers!!

Who is it for and/or who is it from? Did it sprout from a princess’s horn or did somepony buy it from one of our favorite flower-named ponies?

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Bat…pony. Hah. In other news, didn’t AJ sing about a racist barn once? I could be imagining things… cider, y’know? Anyway, mangoes!

Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!

Artists Included:

CowsRTasty (
Nevaylin (
Yakoshi (
Pabbles (

Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Batponies!

Stop the bats, stop the bats! Wait, no, wrong. Well, maybe AJ doesn’t want vampire bats destroying her orchard, but Princess Luna at least keeps scores of batponies around as her royal guard. While rather reclusive, they’re more common than you’d think. Even M.A. Larson’s OC is one, apparently. Batpony everypony. Draw some fukken’ batponies!

You’ve got 30 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!

Art sources: