Tonight’s Luna Challenge is The Flower Trio!!

Everypony seems to love getting flowers for special others in their life. Well, in ponyville Lily Valley, Rose, and Daisy are who you need to see for that.

Draw any of these three you want.

You’ve got 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!


I guess when you’re the ultramom you gotta still bone someone and or a lot of someones.

… also that ass is big enough it can probably count as a second parent.

*cough* oh and we also have a celestia you could actually show your mum :3 pretty horse with pretty flower crown~

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope ya had fun~

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Tali (
Pembroke (

Today’s Twilight Challenge is… The Grandest Mom!

The mother of Equestria, of course. She’s practically a second mom to multiple nerdicorns too.

Draw you some Celestia getting some mothers day appreciation!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~