Oh no! Today’s Asian Challenge is da horses being real late for weed day!

Is it a big deal? Will they make up for it? Will someone just say no? Up to you!

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

Such spunk, such pizazz!

Artists Included:

JonFawkes (http://jonfawkes.tumblr.com/)
Vanilla Cherry Cream (http://vanilla-cherry-cream.tumblr.com/)
Bitgamer (http://bitgamer-nexus.tumblr.com/)
Jaybeem (http://jaybeaniemags.deviantart.com)
lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
Velexane (http://velexanesartblr.tumblr.com)

Today’s American Challenge is the continuation of Friendship Through the Ages!

This time it’s the permaparty herself, Pinkie Pie!

You’ve got 45 mins to create followed by 15 to submit! Enjoy!