Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Crossover!

Slap your MLP on one of your other beloved franchises in some way! Can be anything you like!

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Sources below!

In my haste to fill in for someone earlier there were some errors made. Challenge was meant to be a 45 minute and the box open post was queued improperly.

Essentially, box should be winding up just about now, actually. With all the errors though I’m just going to leave it open for the next hour and anything that makes it’s way to me goes in.

Again, sorry about all that, but I had to step into this one already late.

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Cheerleaders!

It can be the above or just about any pony out there!

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

(Apologizes on the delay, I was informed just a few minutes ago that I had to step in on this one.)