So, at first I thought I would just do Them’s Fightin’ Herds. You know, squeeze it in before the indigogo finished, remind everyone it’s a thing and worth donating to. So you will have four legged fightings.

But then I thought it would be fun to pit them against their origins and our favorite horses for sport!

That’s right it’s a brawl, mlp VS herds!

Have whatever characters you like square off!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! As usual humanization and anthros are allowed! Have fun 😀

Sorry about the box issues there, had my net drop out on me.

But thankfully someone else was around to just DO IT for a minute there.

If anyone wanted to submit but missed the window let us know and we’ll try to get things sorted out.

But anyway a great pair of drawings :3

We’ll see ya later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

Mabu (
hackd (


art meme: draw your favs Just Doing It

Today’s Cadance Challenge is… yeah, what it says above! Draw your favorites ‘just doing it’. But it’s mlp too!

Can be as few as one though if you prefer :3

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~