Art is on its way to deviantart and derpibooru
Month: February 2015
Submission box is open
Do submit your entries here:
However, if your entry is too explicit, you can also submit it here on our tumblr.
For todays challenge: Humanized ponies in a high school setting isn’t something new – after all, we have Equestria girls, and there’s also other fan stories (like Starswirl Academy). So, instead, we’re going to try something different.
Draw two or more ponies in alternating school outfits! The challenge here is to have each character wear a different high school outfit. It caneven be a uniform from your favourite anime series! Be creative – also, it can be pure pony or anthro, and doesn’t have to be humanized only!
You have 45 minutes to draw with 15 minutes to submit. Good luck!
About 50 minutes to the next challenge!
If you missed it earlier read this!
… posted this to the wrong blog. Now it’s about 35 minutes. Sorry about that.
And there’s a dollop of NSFW on top for ya.
That’s everything thus far from the switch over!
Make sure to read the big wall o’ text update if you haven’t! It’s important!
The Roundup Begins!
We’re starting The Roundup today! It will end tomorrow at 2 PM CST!
For those of you that don’t remember (the awful timing of the hack kind of interfered with this) the Roundup is when we will be accepting…
- Updated art done for challenges in the past
- alternative media that doesn’t fit challenges due to questionable time / effort elements (such as cosplay or Gary’s Mod)
- New art based on old challenges / missed challenges
These do not require a time element at all. If you took a month to do it or 30 minutes it’s fine either way. If you like you can time stamp it, but it’s not needed.
This does apply to updated things you’ve done previously, et cetera. So for example if you’ve a habit of updating / continuing working on things you’ve done for challenges you can submit them to us now (no matter how old) and we’ll post them as part of the The Roundup.
I know many of you have done updates at one point or another so here’s hoping you’ll dig them out for us to display :3
If you want to do a piece based on an older challenge- no matter how old- and submit it to us for The Roundup that’s fine. Having all our old gallery dismantled really throws a wrench in this for now but still, it is something you can do. Just make sure to include what challenge the piece is based on as a description.
Essentially The Roundup is the laid back section of the challenges. It’s for all the challenge related stuff that wasn’t bam zoom done on the spot and at the speed. It’s our laid back aspect.
It’s still better to participate in the usual challenges as… well, it’s good to challenge yourself and it’s a fun way to do it. It’s also the only thing we’ll be doing on a daily basis.
The Roundup is done every two weeks on Sunday starting this week- right now. You just submit whatever you’ve got in any quantity you’ve got it and we’ll make sure it goes up in the appropriate place.
Amendment to general submission rules and posting methods
We’re still adjusting to trying to use DA for our main gallery and so on, so these things are to be expected to a degree.
We’ve heard your issues and preferences and trust us we understand. We’re doing what we’re doing in an attempt at better security (and with luck an expanded group of artists and art enthusiasts).
- You CAN still submit through DA for DA safe works. This is the prefered method for simplicity on our end and it lets things be put in the gallery directly in relation to you. People can see it in our gallery but the comments and faves and such go right to you.
- However we will also (and have been) accept submissions, anon or not, of a SFW variety from Tumblr. This means that we’ll have to post them to DA from our own accounts however. Fine for anon I’m sure or if you just really prefer Tumblr, but if you have a DA this is likely not the best choice.
- We still most definitely accept works not safe for DA on Tumblr. I’m putting this here as a reminder because we’ve not been getting much in that ballpark. We’ll be putting that stuff up on Derpibooru still primarily.
- Once a week on Saturday we will batch upload submissions from challenges to Tumblr. Doesn’t matter where you submit them to us. We won’t be posting them otherwise on Tumblr in smaller batches as we have been BUT they ALL will definitely go up in that weekly upload if they are Tumblr safe (if they aren’t Tumblr safe they’ll remain Derpibooru only).
Hopefully this will please those of you who have a heavy preference for Tumblr :3
And because this is the first time we’ll be doing the batch upload to Tumblr today and for all submissions up to this point on DA. After this it’ll all be each week on Saturday.
Seeking Additional Mods
We’ve had quite the hectic season with how things have gone and we are in dire need of new staff.
We’re taking all applicants so don’t be shy about putting in for a position!
Requirements are…
- Available consistently to run at least a few challenges a week. Preferably also consistent in which ones you can run but not required.
- Creativity! Gotta keep things interesting, eh?
- Willingness to post any works submitted to the appropriate sites regardless of your personal feelings about them. Doesn’t matter if you don’t ship Fluttermac or don’t like gore or whatever. The art goes up.
- Good timing and personal responsibility
This is by no means meant to be a strict or tense environment but we do what we do for the artists and art fans not for ourselves first! We want to have fun and stuff but an amount of effort and responsibility is needed to keep things functioning happily for all :3
We look forward to hearing from people interested in joining us!
EDIT NOTE: Almost forgot! Contact me on asksolarflair to apply. Just give a general message about wanting to work on the challenge and perhaps why. Things like that. Keep it light but don’t feel like you have to shorten if you’ve something you really want to say.
ANOTHER EDIT NOTE: When uploading to the gallery for DA please make sure to tag your submission 30minchallenge. You can also add other tags but this one is a minimum requirement. If you haven’t been doing this please go back and add it to your submissions to the group on DA.