Luna Challenge 2: Electric Boogaloo: This Time It’s the Right Time! Going off my goof tonight, the challenge is… false starts! That can be jumping the gun in a race, or showing up to a party early, or premature ej- you know. Take the idea and roll with it, it’s gotta be pones, and it’s gotta be thirty minutes, good luck!
Month: November 2015
Of course Cheerilee likes to raise up flowers just as much as she likes to raise up young minds. And uh, I’m not sure how I feel about clipart horses, but I’ll let it slide this time!
Thanks for the draws, see you in a few minutes for another challenge, if you dare!
Artists Included:
Douloug (
The box is open for your Cheerilees!
In case you missed it, I derped up and posted a challenge where there should have been a reminder. As such, we’ll be having ANOTHER challenge in 30 minutes, at it’s normal time!
Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Cheerilee! What’s our favorite teacher pony been up to lately? Other than teaching, of course. Maybe some special after school lessons~? Or whatever you wanna draw! Thirty and fifteen, you know the drill, good luck!
edit: Woops! My timing’s all off and I posted the challenge instead of a reminder! But fear not, you can still do this challenge, as described, and then I’ll run ANOTHER Luna Challenge for y’all at it’s normal time! Back-to-back challenge madness!
This box is completely devoid of 18 year old girls scrubbing each other and towel snapping. How sad ;3;
Ah well, see you guys later for more challenge! G’bye for now!
Oooh, 15 minutes until locker room fun time!
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Equestria Girls: The Locker Room Edition.
You can put anyone from any EQG in the locker room and they can be doing whatever ya want. Chatting, showers, less school approved activities, or anything else you can think of!
You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in an hour for the next challenge!
Hmmm. I wonder what the actual prompt was for this one? Looks nice though :3
See you guys later for more challenge! Until then pony responsibly~
Artists Included:
Siefa (
Yay for more spanks! Someone was a bad princess~
Artists Included:
Nova (