Today’s Cadance Challenge has a rather eclectic method of determining what you draw!

You’ll use this link here and click the button to get yourself a specific and strange scenario to work with.

They can be sfw and nsfw, so, if you’re really after one or the other feel free to shuffle through until you get a safe/not safe. Also if it’s really outside your comfort zone you may skip that as well, but try not to be too liberal with it- the randomness is the fun of it!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Tonight’s theme is… pony eyes!  The windows to the soul, or so they say, and ponies have pretty big ones, so they must have a lot to show!  Draw a picture where eyes are the centerpiece of attention, or at least thematically important.  Fluttershy’s stare, Twilight’s glowing magic eyes, Derpy’s lazy eyes, or whatever else you think would be fun!  Thirty to draw and fifteen to submit, good luck!

A few more nicely updated pieces :3 plus a crazy horse in socks I don’t recall seeing before.

Thanks guys~

Hope everyone enjoys!

We’ll see you later tonight for The Luna Challenge!

Bai bai~

Artists Included:

Empyu (
Douloug (