Month: August 2017
Box is open! You have 15!
Tonight’s Twilight Challenge is… Restrained Magic! Pony magic is ever so powerful, but there are many ways to lose or give up said power. Don’t forget that even Pegasi and Earth ponies have their own magic.
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit.
Challenge in just one hour!!
Oooh, serious nightmares and the embodiment of eclipses themselves.
But can it all maintain it’s ominous seriousness in the face of Luna being a huge dork? XD
Thanks for participating folks! Hope ya had fun~
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
Derpanater (
Mystery Mod (
Bennimarru (
Desertfox500 (
Obligatory sun and moon horse jokes begin!
Artists Included:
Nova Spark (
Just 15 minutes to submit your arts of the darks~
Today’s Cadance Challenge is… Eclipse!
Since we’ve got one going on today I figured why not, eh?
I dun care what kind of eclipse though or if it’s a pony representing eclipses or ponies experiencing one or what. It’s up to you! Do it your way!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
See you in 50 minutes with the next challenge!
I’m sorry i’m finish before you open box but i’m back late pleaseee
Yeah, sure. Here’s one more Twinkleshine folks! o3o