Tonight’s Luna Challenge is… Costumes!

‘Tis the season for spooks and scares and all things wut go bump in the night! And of course, with Nightmare Night comes Nightmare Night costumes! Ghost, ghouls, exotic creatures from far away lands, heroes, villains, you name it! So draw some fukken’ ponies in costumes!

You have 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 to submit. Have fun!

Shiny is not a lady -3- his daughter is a man, there’s a difference.

I wonder how oatmeal got in the mix though…? Hmmm…

Thanks for participating guys! Hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you later for more stuff! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Mighty_alicorn (http://)



Today’s Twilight Challenge is… ze telephone game. This particular one in fact!

You know, the one where someone says something to someone, that person tells the story to someone, then that person tells the story, and so on, ending up with an entirely different story in the end? Just being clear here, think it has a few names.

ANYWAY, lets take us any given chat pair above and you express what you think is being said! Be it via them talking or drawing the situation you think would be described! Or both if you’re real fancy.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Looks like we’ve got a couple of spooky Spirit of Hearth’s Warming Pasts, and one ghosty-pone who’s just a touch see-through!

Thank you all for joining us, hope to see you for more challenges in the future!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Xbi (