Luna challenge in 53 minutes!

Pff, I swear, if I make room for jokes ya guys do porn. If I don’t acknowledge the possibility of goof, it’s all we get. Ya Contrary Caitlyns.
:3 always a good time though~ hope you had fun!
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)
LockeZero (http://lockezero.tumblr.com)
mpushomework (http://mpushomework.tumblr.com/)
Well, do ya feel big punk? Do ya? You’ve got 15 minutes~
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Size Queens! In any sense. As long as there’s mlp involved.
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Yeeeeeyus. We’ve got a few pieces. Her name is Quick Draw by the way.
Such a cute duo arent they? The seem to have some sign though. DM? dungeon master? do they want to play O
Lets see if the parasprites left anything or if all the art got ate up.
hopefully the parasprites didn’t eat up all your time because the inbox is open. you will have 15 minutes to send that art in.
Parasprites are just adorable! I mean just look at them! and they aren’t picky eaters at all and you can see they even made plushies of them! I mean really they are like….. oh what are the called…. the tribbles from star trek! how can you not want to huggle them?
Anyway sorry got off track. Todays cadance challenge is parapsires! take 30 minutes to draw something related to these cuties. be it them alone or with someone take a shot and then you can have 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
Gather up your supplies and we can see you then!