Sigh, looks like there was still nothing.
That’s fine, I can go back to doing my nothing, I guess.
See you all soon for another challenge…
Sigh, looks like there was still nothing.
That’s fine, I can go back to doing my nothing, I guess.
See you all soon for another challenge…
The Luna Challenge this time is… Guidance Counselor Starlight!
They gotta give her something to do while everyone else does all the hard work, right?
Maybe someone else came to her to talk about a friendship problem?
You’ve got 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit.
Plenty of time! Now if you’ll excuse me, I’ll be…reorganizing my files.
D’awww look at DSP2003’s cutie of an OC. I guess she could watch what she eats in case she plans on reaching those stars!!
Thanks Pabbles for the great draw! I’m sure DSP would love this picture!!
Artists Included:
Pabbles (http://pabbley.tumblr.com)
Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Artist Ponysonas! Or simply ponified artists!!!
A lot of artists tend to make original characters of themselves for plenty of reasons. Sometimes it’s for role-playing cuz come on who doesn’t want to be a pony or maybe they are just for silly fun. Who knows but the creators themselves.
There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
Art Sources:
Nobody showed up for cheer practice today, dang rambunctious kids skipping school to make friends and whatnot! Oh well, perhaps class will be in attendance for the next challenge!