
Who are you hiding from Thorax? All the crazy shippers and matchmakers? And Pinkie, i barely even saw you there! A most brilliant use of gillie suit camouflage…though how long did it take you to fill all of that area with cotton candy?

Thank you Derpanater and you too m0nster-c00kie for participating in today’s challenge! Hope you both had a great time, and we’ll see y’all later for the next 30 minute challenge!

Derpanater (
m0nster-c00kie (

Celestia Challenge

We’ve had Princess Twilight, but what about Princess Sci-Twi?

File:Twilight thinking with Spike barking in the background EG2.png

File:Twilight Sparkle looking at her phone EGDS12.png

Is she a princess of Science? Would she fit the role, and follow the responsibilities like Twilight Sparkle? Or is she merely dressing up as one, like a Disney Princess?

Image result for princess disney

It’s up to you! you have 30-minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have Fun!