You now have 15 minutes to send some art here and then we can show off everyones individual magic.
Month: March 2019
Individual magical effect.
Everyone seems to have magic in some level, well at least if they are a unicorn or someone close enough to the main characters. That said it seems that the color of their magic shows a magical effect and color that is individualistic for the person or pony, at least to an extent. Meaning you can tell, if you pay attention, whose magic it is just by looking at the magical aura.
Is it because of their cutie mark, the way they were raised? their parents and family history? So many possibilities and so many things it could mean. Are they only colored differently or is there more to it like a finger print?
So take 30 minutes to draw something out that shows how this might work and why it might be for their world. Then you will have 15 minutes to send it into the inbox.
Luna challenge
See you all in an hour, or two depending on when your daylight savings hits. We will have a new challenge regardless.
Very late art! ( my bad )
A very cute Dashie stretching her wings! Thank you Pabbles, and I do apologize for my late posting of your submission. I shall do better next time, but for now I hope you and many others will join us for more challenges!
Artist: Pabbles (
Here Comes A Roundup!
I don’t think our current audience is big enough that I need to spell out what this is again. I should probably just save a copy of it somewhere.
But anyway, you’ve got 24 hours from now to submit your old arts and stuff! Then we’ll post ’em! 😀
Box is open!
The Twilight challenge today is…Wings!
Anything you want, so long as it lives in equestria and has wings!
30 minutes to draw, 15 minutes to submit! Time to soar some art onto your pages!
Twilight challenge in 53 minutes!
box is closed, no submissions
guess no one decided to go through the maze today. we hope to see you all for the Twilight challenge
box is open
time to submit!