Today’s Celestia Challenge is Farming!!


Theres lots of farms in Equestria. They seem to mostly be for fruits, but even no so edible things, like rocks, can be and are farmed. Its tough work, but somepony has to do it. Show anypony you want farming, finishing a day of farming, or trying to figure out how to farm.


You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!


phoenix wright!

Hold it! The evidence clearly states that today is a non pony day so that means you will be getting the phoenix wright series for this luna challenge. With so many odd people in the court though you have to wonder how they all got past security and in some cases got their law license.

Regardless you will have 30 minutes to draw something up and 15 minutes to send it into the inbox. and as always have fun or the judge will lay down the law.

As a safety precaution, please don’t stick random objects into transformer ponies

Thanks for the submissions everyone! I hope you all had fun! We’ll see you for the Luna challenge!

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