Hard hitting journalistic artistics we got ovah heah o3o fantastic work guys!

Hope everyone else thinks so too :3

We’ll see you all later for the Luna Challenge!

Also- the Celestia challenge returns tomorrow morning! Sorry for that lil’ hiatus, work, my bane and all that.

EDIT:  Bitgamer slips in under the wire! Close call there bud!

Artists Included:

Soni (http://wubkins.tubmlr.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.tumblr.com/)
Bitgamer (http://bitgamer-nexus.tumblr.com)

Wow, such action filled times for AJ XD

Who knows what happened to her leg in the first pic. Maybe skydiving like in the other picture?

Anywho, thanks for participating folks! We’ll see you later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://lumineko.com)
fuzzy-tawog2 (http://fuzzy-tawog2.tumblr.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.tumblr.com/)

All sfw submissions tonight. Everybody looks like they’re having fun cutting the rug, although Tavi looks a little perplexed by Scratch’s musical taste. And remember kids, a dance floor is no place for banana peels! Thanks for the good work tonight everyone, cheers and see you next time!

Artists Included:

jcosneverexisted (http://jcosneverexisted.tumblr.com/)
FlutterThrash (http://flutterthrash.tumblr.com)

Here we are, a nice lil’ batch of variety for The Roundup! Digimanz and stupid dogs and of course them horses, be they laid up or boobed upon.

Hope you guys enjoy! See you for the Luna Challenge in a few hours!

Artists Included:

Bitgamer (http://bitgamer-nexus.tumblr.com)
TellyWeb Cartoons (http://tellywebtoons.deviantart.com)
Lumineko (http://tehlumineko.tumblr.com/)

Ah, the infamous artists Ponka Po and… Kuh..meh…kuh. Weird names, but man can they vandalize.

That’s all for this one folks!

We’ll see you in just a bit with arts for The Roundup! An hour or so I think should do- get ‘em in if ya got ’em!

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://lumineko.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)

Applebloom, that’s a dangerous place to be; we’ll probably need a crowbar to pry you out! And I’m not sure what the intended use of that device is, but Pinkie seems to be enjoying it all the same! Cheers and good work everyone!

The submission box will remain open for the roundup,so get any late works in at your leisure. See you next time!

Artists Included:

Nova Spark (http://novasparksart.tumblr.com/)
jcosneverexisted (http://jcosneverexisted.tumblr.com/)