More Kirin! Also this pile of horse!

I think this last submission must have got caught in the door on the last challenge…. so there’s that voltron-y thing!

Also we got two more Kirin! Nice! 😀

Thanks for participating folks, hope ya had fun!

We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~









Because what’s the point of having a robot if it’s not going to attempt murder?

Thanks for your submissions, Empyu and Sunny Sidde-Down!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artists Featured:

Empyu (
Sunny Sidde-Down (







It’s one of those early morning rushes where you don’t have time to get dressed properly.

Thanks for your submission, Pabbles!

See you all soon for another challenge!

Artist Featured:

Pabbles (

NSFW Art~!

It would indeed sell copies of the issue! But probably only on hentai websites. And who can forget when Professor Aggressor hypnotized Masked Matterhorn into becoming their personal love slave for a who five issue arc!

Thanks for stopping by to take part in the challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down and Pabbles!

Sunny Sidde-Down (
Pabbles (


AJ proving that ya don’t gotta be lewd to be sexy!
And we got variants here from Pabbles, too!

Xbi, Pabbles, thanks for hopping in for this one tonight! Glad ya could make it, and hope to see you both again soon!

Xbi (httpS://
Pabbles (

NSFW Art~!

” Y’know we don’t normally wear clothes, sugacube. ”

That just makes it that much hotter when they DO! IT also seems like AJ is a little hungry there, must of worked up an appetite squeezing her limbs into those tight rubber pieces of apparel~!

Thanks so much for taking the time to take part in this challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down and Pabbles! Drop by again anytime!

Sunny Sidde-Down (
Pabbles (