Whats the term for when a strings player does music that works with tickle the ivorys? Either way that is what is happening here. She seems to like what she does even if not everyone is able to see the skill in the less wild music.

thanks to m0nster-c00kie and xbi for these pieces of art.

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/gallery/)

Shower time for our lovely lunar princess, and a special flashback edition to boot!

Thanks go out to m0nster-c00kie and Nevaylin for taking part in the sfw portion of today’s challenge! Hope you had fun and will join us again for future challenges!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Nevaylin (http://nevaylin.tumblr.com)

Something about the large floofy hair and big glasses is just adorable! or maybe its just me? Either way these are two really cute pieces of art if i do say so myself.

So thanks to m0nster-c00kie and xbi for these sweeties and see you all for the luna challenge

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/gallery/)

Now that is one cute mermaid! But that second guy doesn’t look too friendly. Maybe there’s a grudge against the other?

Thank you Mystery Mod and Monster Cookie for your submissios!! Hope to see ya swim by again soon!

Artists Included:

Mystery Mod (http://ask-mystery-pony.tumblr.com)
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)

Would ya look at these arts? Perfect album covers for synthwave music!

Thank you for taking part in today’s Twilight challenge, Nootaz and m0nster-c00kie! Looking forwards to seeing you back again soon!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Nootaz (http://nootaz.tumblr.com/)

I personally could see sugar as any of the pony races but with the fluffy ears and the horn she can really work well as a unicorn. And she is a nice dancer too even if she can’t think up the moves herself as we can tell.

Thanks to m0nster-c00kie and xbi for these sweet pieces of art.

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
xbi (http://xbi.deviantart.com/gallery/)

Hey looks like Pinkie is getting around a lot when it comes to the hug game. From Rainbow Dash to Twilight and even the Princess of the Night, nopony can resist the Pink

Thank you, everyone, for the warm hugs! And cya next time at the 30minchallenge!!!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
dnon (http://probablydnon.tumblr.com)