Thanks MA Larson. It’s all because of you that that Trump guy thinks he’s got this election in the bag. But we all know that nopony stands a chance against Harshwhinney. Fluttershy’s preparing for the worst either way. Meanwhile, Celestia is laughing. Democracy, what a silly concept!

Artists Included:

Please don’t make America gr8 again
Mabu (

All this deliciousness is making me hungry! But the eternal question lies unresolved: do Equestrian ponies eat meat?

In either case, I’m off to find dinner! Catch ya’ later for another challenge!

Artists Included:

BronyGuard (
Theekman (
lumineko (
Outofworkderpy (
phallen1 (

Just look at how cool these cuties are. I bet their fusion is the sassiest pony in Equestria.

Thanks for the draws, everybody! Cheers and see you next time~

Artists Included:

BronyGuard (
Pabbles (http://)
Vanilla Cherry Cream (
Outofworkderpy (