NSFW Art!~

Don’t question it, just eat it! It IS Pinkie Pie after all, so there’s no way it can taste bad!

Thanks so much for taking part in today’s chilly Twilight challenge, MKogwheel! We hope you decide to join us again very soon!

Artist: MKogwheel (https://twitter.com/MKogwheelR18)

Cotton candy grab

When I think I want to grab something sweet this isn’t the first thing I think of, but I suppose it isn’t wrong. Plus it helps keep the small party a bit closer if you will. I just hope there is more than just pulling or it might be a bit less fun that it looks like it is. Regardless if pinkies involved you will always have fun.

Thanks to Keboponda (https://twitter.com/Keboponda) for this piece of art and see you for twilight later.

Oh no, the doodles melt! D:

Looks like Monster Cookie was even busier than Locke this roundup!

Thanks for participating you guys! Hope ya had fun!

Artists Included:

Wall Doodles (https://wall-doodles.tumblr.com/post/181154901275/how-taking-a-shower-afterwards-looks-like)
m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr.com)