Not enough coffee need more coffee PINKIE THAT IS TOO MUCH COFFEE haha what are you talking about WE’RE ALL FINE THANK YOU just need MORE COFFEE!

Thanks for the draws, and we’ll see you later with more challenge!

Artists Included:

sixthousandbees (
Pirill (
Pabbles (

The pinkie show went through quite a few design choices for all the characters during it’s black and white run!

Thanks for the submissions everyone! hope you all had fun! We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!

Artists Included:

Kribbles (
Ivy (
Nova Spark (
Bennimarru (
Pabbles (

Magic doesn’t…. automatically make you good at golfing. But it probably doesn’t hurt!

Thanks for participating folks! Hope you got a hole in fun 😛

See you later for more challenge! Bye for now~

Artists Included:

Bennimarru (
That Guy (
sixthousandbees (
Pabbles (

normal logic and physics? who needs em?

thanks for the submissions everyone, hope you all had fun! we’ll see you again for the celestia challenge!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Bennimarru (
Yakoshi (
Nova Spark (

Pabbles (

we’ve got some cute and cool ponies in glasses here!

thanks for the submissions everyone! We hope you all had fun and we’ll see you for the Luna challenge!

Artists Included:

Nevaylin (
sixthousandbees (
Drako (
Pabbles (