The Luna challenge is…Ponies singing Sea Shanties!

Dunno if you’ve heard about how Sea Shanties are taking over tik tok. I don’t have the app, but i’ve seen video compilations on youtube, and i gotta say, it’s pretty cool.

So your task is to draw whomever ya want, singing sea shanties either alone or as a group. Don’t even have to be on or even near a ship!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!


Khepri the sun beetle! And a little bit of high Somnambulan fashion for another cutie buggo!

Derpanater, Pabbles, thanks ever so much for joining us today for this challenge! Hope to see you both again real soon!

Derpanater (
Pabbley (

The Luna challenge today is…Egyptian Changelings!

On one side of the power hierarchy or the other, let’s mash up the ancient Egyptian ( or Somnambulan ) style with changelings!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
