Are you really?
Tag: sfw
OCs are more thankful than canon pone, news at 11.
Indeed thank for all the participation!
And the tums and legs.
That Anon Guy
Sometimes the best defense is a good offense, and what better to fight fire with than fire? Or in this case, fighting a mega-death super laser with another mega-death super laser of course! Though without Twi’s shield, Starlight wouldn’t have had the opportunity to return fire, so Shield’s are still probably the best preemptive defense in most cases.
Thank you xbi for joining us for the challenge today! Come by again soon!
Artist: xbi (
The Twilight challenge today is…Shields of Equestria!
Magical, physical, decorative, ancient, mirrors, shields come in all sizes, types and colors!
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Well said, and swung Quickdraw! And Twilight seems both confused and well equipped! I wonder what has brought her to this state of being?
Many thanks to the two of you, Pabbles and person who left no personal info for me to link nor identify you with!
Pabbley (
And the (late) Luna challenge is…Ponies with swords!
Equip your favorite Equine ( or Equestrian Girl ) with a sword or swords of your choice, and do a draw!
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
And the Twilight challenge is…Put Ember in Power Ponies!
She’s practically already got superpowers, and she even has her own suit disguise! I wanna see what you all come up with for her if she was in an issue of power ponies! Is she a villain? A new member of the team? A lone wolf only helping for a few issues due to shared interest? Does she have new powers? What’s her suit look like?
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
The Luna challenge is…Interview at a Diner!
Can be about anything, but it’s gotta be in a Diner or Cafe or restaurant of some kind, and it’s gotta be an interview.
You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Silver Spoon…. Silver, please…
That’s a mailbox. Silver. Please, listen. You need your glasses.
Thanks for participating Pabbles! Hope you had fun~
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~
November 1st Ocellus… November 3rd Ocellus.
No anything November is always a mistake :V now you know, young bookwork!
Thanks for participating Empyu and Pabbles! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now~