There are likely more I’m forgetting, and of course there is magic and dye, so anyone can be a ginger if you want them to be!
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit. Have fun!
There are likely more I’m forgetting, and of course there is magic and dye, so anyone can be a ginger if you want them to be!
You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Follow that white rabbit!
Thanks for your submission, Empyu!
See you all soon for another challenge!
Artist Featured:
Empyu (
Applebloom has spent too much time talking to Treehugger and Discord it seems, and Twilight is…studying the flow of energy inside a lightning globe?
Anyway, thank you both for taking part in this challenge! See y’all next time!
Bill Neigh (http://)
Derpanater (
As mad or as bland as you wanna make it, show us the wonders of science for this challenge!
you have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. have fun!
If this is a reference I have no idea to what! If it’s just a lil’ comic nothin’ wrong with that :3
Thanks for participating Pabbles! Hope you had fun! And a snack. Om nom nom~
We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~
Regular or chocolate, lets seem some joy in the rain!
you have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit. Have fun!
Can’t believe she snortin’ boop. Children can see that.
Thanks for participating Pabbles! Hope ya had fun!
We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~
Derpy! Do you even know how to fly that thing!?!
Thanks for the submission, Pabbles!
Artist: Pabbles (
Anypony you want, either have ’em racing, or looking like a podracer pilot!
You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. On your marks, get set, go!
source unknown
My ISP has always had a mean sense of humor- my net went down as the 24 hour challenge ended and just came back up, so this was more of a 29 hour challenge. (actually it’s still trying to die!)
In any case…
We’ve got a good handful of submissions here!
First up is a piece from Ruby Rose! I know this is their first time participating, so thanks for swinging by! Great name by the way!
Empyu really went to town with 3 pieces! Trotcon is a good christian yada yada so I won’t link you the 2 lewd variants of the bikini pic but if you want to find them I’m sure you will.
And last but not least we’ve got Osaka Oji with a slightly shy pegasus Proxy!
With this being mostly unplanned and chaotic I’d call this a pretty good turnout! Thank all three of you so much for your pieces, I hope you had fun drawing this digi-hors!
We’ll see you all later for more challenge! Bye for now~
(Oh yeah almost forgot- if you want any merch of Proxy there’s a lot of that over here and maybe more on the trotcon discord’s pages!)