NSFW art~!

Well, whatever it is that got her, it clearly filled Dashy enough to make her pregnant! Hopefully she can teach her future tentacle child to be a productive and helpful member of pony society, like Twilight did for Spike! Or she can start her own sex studio and/or store, with a very unique staff member~. Perhaps Fluttershy can help!

Many thanks to Pabbles for providing us with the tentacular art we got today!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW Art~!

It would seem that future Spur is now taming beast of a more sexual nature. But now the real question is, did she tame this beast to well, or not enough?

Thanks for participating in this challenge, Pabbles! See ya again soon!

Artist: Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)