Dorks ready for water! 😀

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had fun!

Also! The Roundup is on!

Submit any art you like relating to any challenges we’ve ran in the past or fan arts for the blog, updated challenge pieces, things like that! Doesn’t matter how long you worked on it or how old the challenge was or anything, just toss it our way!

You’ve got until after the Twilight Challenge tomorrow to submit, the box will be open the whole time! Submit as much as you like!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (
Joey Waggoner (
Cammy (
MKogwheel (
Empyu (
xbi (
Pabbles (

Look at all these cool ponies! Not looking at explosions, making some rad music, and having some awesome kids!

Thank you to all the participants! Hope y’all had fun!!

And we hope you will join us later for more challenges!!

Artists Included:

platypus-in-a-bottle (
Derpanater (
dnon (
Pabbles (
xbi (

Rarifly! And the whole gang! Change-ling for the better!

Thanks for participating folks! Hope ya had fun~

We’ll see you later for more challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

KiloDel (
KD (

Even when they swap appearances, do they still look alike? Is Anypony else confused? Well, Twi and Starlight don’t seem too bothered about it!

Thanks for participating, Dnon, Mystery Mod and Xbi!

Let’s hope this thing fixes itself before the Cadance Challenge later!

Artists Included:

dnon (
Mystery Mod (
xbi (

Woah, JumbleHorse got bizzay! We’ve also got some good from behind entries and a snazzy RD in a dress~

Nobody saw the marriage of Twilight and Luigi coming. It must be those plumber boys’ innate attraction to princesses. It helps that it’s the human Twi, of course! Now they can live nerdily ever after~


JumbleHorse (
xbi | roundup for “from behind” (
m0nster-c00kie (
Joey Waggoner ( and