Twilight is smart like a raptor. Pinkie, however, is playful like a puppy and scared of cucumbers like a cat!!

Thank you all for participating! I hope you had a lot of fun!!

We hope to see you back here in a few hours for the Celestia Challenge!!

And don’t forget the roundup is currently going on!! You can submit for any challenge you didn’t get to do or any work you have improved!!

Artists Included:

Derpanater (
m0nster-c00kie (
Tomazii7 (
Pabbles (

Lyra is dedicated… but it seems she’s got some smart competition in the 2 leggy events!

Thanks for participating everyone! :3 hope you had fun!

We’ll see you all next time for more stuff! Bai bai~

Artists Included:

dnon (
Pabbles (
xbi (

So much ink spilt! She must’ve been writing something really special, only to get ruined and make her tick! Cover your ears, Spike! She’s gonna scream!

Thanks for participating, Bitgamer and Desertfox500!

See you later for the Cadance Challenge!

Artists Included:

Desertfox500 (
Bitgamer (

The forecast now calls for Magical Paintbrush Clouds! (I think that’s a reference to Neopets, no?)

Thanks for submitting, Cuddle Shy Draws!

Join us later for Twilight Time! And also the box is still open for the Roundup!

Artists Included:

Cuddle Shy Draws (Still not dead) (

Many unexpected potty mouths in this batch :’D small children, Twilight, Fluttershy, Derpy… naughty naughty!

Thanks for participating everyone! Hope you had a heck of a hoot of a ding dang good time!


Been a good bit since we had one and now that I’m back and it’s Sunday… it’s time!

So, for the uninitiated that means 24 hours of box being open and you can submit art related to old challenges (updated, did off the challenge time, et cetera), fan art of 30min challenge stuff, art made using things like cosplay and source and so on… you get the idea!

After Twilight Challenge tomorrow we’ll be posting it all! Submit as much as you like regarding whatever you’d like no matter how old!

Artists Included:

xbi (
Empyu (
dnon (
Pabbles (