Oh man it turns out the nerd is hot!

… wait, we already knew that.

But SHE did not know about talking dogs- or the possibility of skydiving in the games! 😮

Anywhoooo thanks for participating guys! Hope you had fun with dorko numero uno 😀

We’ll see you later tonight for the Luna challenge!

Also, don’t forget, we’ve got The Roundup going right now, it’ll end soon though so if you’ve got submissions for it get them in!

Artists Included:

JonFawkes (http://jonfawkes.tumblr.com/)
lumineko (http://www.lumineko.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.tumblr.com/)

Hard hitting journalistic artistics we got ovah heah o3o fantastic work guys!

Hope everyone else thinks so too :3

We’ll see you all later for the Luna Challenge!

Also- the Celestia challenge returns tomorrow morning! Sorry for that lil’ hiatus, work, my bane and all that.

EDIT:  Bitgamer slips in under the wire! Close call there bud!

Artists Included:

Soni (http://wubkins.tubmlr.com)
phallen1 (http://phallen1.tumblr.com/)
Bitgamer (http://bitgamer-nexus.tumblr.com)

How did they even get ahold of the Epoch!?

These ponies are cray-zay!

So crazy in fact that they deleted the other 1,000 submissions we got on accident. Dang it!

:3 hope you guys enjoy. Thanks for participating Lumineko!

We’ll see you guys later for more challenge! G’bye for now~

Artists Included:

lumineko (http://lumineko.com)

Twilight ponders why this ginger doesn’t taste as good. I mean, the pork is just as good…

Meanwhile Pinkie BECOMES the dinner! 😮

Hope you guys had fun~

we’ll see you next time for more challenges! G’bye for now :3

Artists Included:

pembrokewkorgi (http://letsaskinkblot.tumblr.com/)
yeonang (http://yeonang.tumblr.com)