Today’s Celestia challenge is Baseball!

Tonight will be game 7 of the world series! It has been quite the world series too, already breaking a record for home runs and longest world series game! So, draw somepony playing some baseball, or catch, or whatever you want baseball related!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!

I think perhaps you’ve finally breached too meta or self aware or whatnot, that’s what I think 😛

Regardless it’s always a treat when folks do art for challenges oh ho ho ho~

Thanks for participating guys, hope you had a sweet n’ spooky night!

See you later for more challenge! Bye for now!

Artists Included:

i dressed up as a shitty pony artist (http://)

The final Nightmare Night / Halloween Challenge for this year is… Quick Draw! Trick… or treat?

A costume is a given. Just look at all the things! But along with dressing up horse how you like… it’s up to you to give her a trick or a treat!

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Hey guys!

We’ve had a person or two retire from challenge running due to busy lives in the past few months.

So if you would like to join the crew or know someone who would like to send our ask box a message with your discord and maybe a reason or two that you’d like to join us!

Particularly we are looking for someone available in the Twilight and Luna time frame, but if you’re available for other things feel free to submit as well, you never know, right?

We’ll get back to you on it as soon as we can. Look forward to hearing from ya!