Fortnight, Pubg, and many others, these are the battle royale games that have taken the gaming world by storm! So for today’s Cadance challenge, I want to see you introduce ponies into the mix! However you wanna do it is up to you, are they playing the game? In  the game? Maybe it’s not a game anymore? YOU decide! 

45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Let the games begin!

Today’s Cadance challenge is puzzles! They come in all shapes, sizes and kinds, so go crazy! 

30 minutes to draw, 15 minutes to submit. Let’s see what you all put together!


BOOBS! Breasts, bosoms, whatever you wanna call ‘em, that is today’s Twilight challenge! Draw some boobs or crotch teats or whatever, and be as kinky or vanilla as you want!

30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Ta ta for now…get it?!?!
