It seems that the wonderbolts are having a bit of unique training. From using military riot gear to droping an…… well probably not an a bomb. It is a friendship bomb so maybe an f b….. no no not that um……. Anyway dash seems way to excited about using it if you ask me.

thanks to mkogwheel and kd for these submissions and see you for celestia later.

Artists Included:

MKogwheel (
KD (

Maud seems to be a very capable person. And she has the assets that people want. and the breastets too. So take a peek before she goes back to covering everything up with her smock.

thanks to mpushomework, pone boning, mkogwheel, and anon for these pieces.

Artists Included:

mpushomework (
Pone Boning (
MKogwheel (