Today’s Luna Challenge is… Bat ponies!!!

What is the dark that flutters in the night. We promise they hardly bite. With leathery wings and slitted eyes. These shadowy ponies are sure to surprise. So repeat after me…

As usual there’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Art Source:

Today’s Non-pony Twilight Challenge is… Spaceships!!!

It’s time to break the heavens and conquer spaaaaaaace! For this challenge draw a spaceship of your choosing. It doesn’t matter where it’s from! Video games, TV, movies, or real-life??? All are awesome chooses so go out and shoot for the stars*!!!

There’s 45 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

*Disclaimer: When shooting for a star be careful not touch it because that stuff is really hot, yo

The Twilight challenge today is Mullets! Fashionable or not, it’s a style most folks know, and today I wanna see you style up some equestrians with it! 

( note that the last two images aren’t actually OF mullets, just a fun little reference to the common phrase associated with them )

You have 30 minutes to draw, and 15 minutes to submit. Have fun!


Today’s Luna Challenge is … Plushies!!!

No one needs to grow out of owning a cute stuffed animal and I can’t think of anything more perfect than a pony! Draw a plushie of your choosing in any situation you want.

There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit!! Have fun~

All the plushies shown and more can be found at

Today’s Twilight challenge is Bards! Musicians and entertainers of old, known for singing, dancing, playing instruments, and winning hearts and minds of folk everywhere!….or annoying them to no end. 

Draw whoever you want, being all bard-y and stuff! You have 45 minutes to do so, and 15 minutes to submit your final product! Have fun!


Today’s Luna Challenge is… Rainbow Dash!!

Rainbow Dash is hot headed at times but you gotta admit she’s pretty fly. She’s a Wonderbolt now so I’m surprised she’s as humble as she is now.

There’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~