Today’s Cadance challenge is, the Mane Six as villains!

Any member or members of the mane six are acceptable. t can be villains we’ve already seen, or villainous versions of themselves, or even new villains that you come up with! 

You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit.


Today’s Twilight Challenge is… Cute Faces!!
OwO!!! Wait, what are all these cute characters seeing that I’m not?! Oh well, it’s probably nothing important… Let’s see what you guys think of the matter in 30 minutes, huh?

As Usual we got 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit OwO!!! Have fun, fam~

The Cadance for today is Flim Flam Brothers machines! These two huckster’s might make false products, or ignore important safety protocols but the machines they built to promote their crap are brilliant! If these two focused on making machines instead of trying to sell garbage, they might bring about a new age of mechanical revolution in Equestria! 

Anyway, draw some of their old stuff, or come upo with some new stuff! The choice is up to you. 

You have 45 minutes to draw, and 15 to submit. Time to get crafty!

The Cadance challenge today is the CMC playing videogames! From consoles to arcade machines, handhelds to PC, there are tons of things these fillies can play videogames can be played on, and of course you can even make up your own!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Game on!


Today’s Celestia Challenge is Dr, Caballeron!!

This pony seems to be evil just for the sake of being evil! He doesn’t care about preservation of historic artifacts, he just wants power and money…and maybe to get back at Daring Doo for ruining all of his plans.

Anyway, draw this villainous pony doing evilly today?

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!

Today’s Celestia is angry/frustrated Limestone Pie!…
I feel bad for this mare. She’s had to watch 2 sisters now move out and find success while she’s stayed behind to watch over the Rock Farm. Just remember that she’s not jealous or anything! Go ahead and share her in a bad mood or trying different ways to let off some steam!!

As usual there’s 30 minutes to draw followed by 15 minutes to submit!! Stay strong Limestone you’ll find your Prince Charming soon~

Today’s Cadance challenge is, Superhero Wallflower! What if, instead of what she did do, she had used this power for good? To erase criminal intent from ones mind? Or to sneak into dangerous places and get evidence for the police, removing her presence from peoples minds as she went?

YOU get  to decide how she could have been a hero, and you have 30 minutes in which to do it, then 15 more in which to submit your ideas! 

Today’s Celestia Challenge is Pinkie playing instruments!!

She may be able to sing well, but the results of her trying to play instruments have mixed results. She can play a ton of crazy things at once, but playing not a single flugelhorn Even her parties have noisemakers!

Draw Pinkie playing, or trying to play, whatever instrument you want!

You have 30 minutes to draw and 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!!