1 hour reminder!

Oh Celestia! *laugh track*
Even Cadance wants a liiiittle cake at least though ^^
Thanks for participating guys! Hope you had fun~
See you soon for more challenge! Bye for now!
Artists Included:
Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
Aimi Hanibal (http://Aimihanibal.tumblr.com)
For today’s Cadance challenge… pick a princess other than Twilight and show us what her birthday is like! 😀
You’ve got 45 minutes to create folllowed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~
No brightly colored birds and grey horses.
See ya later for a different thing!
Submissions Are Open!
Just 15 minutes to get the Octys in!
Today’s Celestia Challenge is… Octavia and her pet peacock!
Draw horse and colorful bird in any way you see fit!
You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~