tempest biceps crack ship

I don’t really have a reason for these two beyond they kept popping up when i hit random. So todays luna challenge is drawing a ship related to these two ponies. The reformed villain from the movie and the big guy who has more heart than you might think at first.

So take 45 minutes to draw them as a duo then you have 15 minutes to introduce the pair to the mailbox. Have fun and don’t hold back.

Today’s Twilight Non Pony Challenge is… Isabelle! I’m sure some of you have been waiting 😛

Anywho, this cute as heck doggo dork is on the rise once more, because she’s whoopin’ them butts in the next Smash Bros!

Buuuut your drawing doesn’t necessarily have to be about that. Just has to be about everyone’s favorite assistant :3

You’ve got 30 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~

Hey! So I did a pic of quick draw like a LOOOOONG time ago and I notice you’re still using it! Id like to update it. When/where can I send it to you when its done?

We’re doing a Roundup in the very near future so you can submit it during that if you like!

Otherwise you can just submit it to 30minchallenge.tumblr.com/submit (not our normal submission box) and we’ll update our files and such in the near future.

Can’t wait to see what you do o3o(b

Hey is there a round up coming soon? I don’t think I’ve seen one recently and there are quite a few challenges I missed due to work and school I’d like to take a crack at officially.

True, I’ve been meaning to run a Roundup for a while now.

We’ll hold one starting tomorrow night I think.

But for the record you’re allowed and in fact encouraged to work on things outside of the roundup time itself, that’s just the submission window.

I mean, you can still time yourself if you want and all that, but the roundup is more of a catch all that lets people participate and update things than our normal timed, work within this window, requirements.

You can even write how long you worked on it on the piece or in some sort of note to us if you like, but you can totally have worked on those things you wanted to whenever you wanted and held onto them :3 that’s encouraged.

Wow! Those are some pretty rad comic book covers if I do say so myself!

Thanks m0nster-c00kie and Derpanater for taking up today’s Cadance challenge! Given how often you guys participate, I’m gonna take a wild guess and say you like drawing, so we can’t wait to see you two for future challenges!

Artists Included:

m0nster-c00kie (http://pumpkin-somethin-art.tumblr)
Derpanater (https://derpanatersdoodledumpingden.tumblr.com/)