Make up challenge

I got to the make up section of a store the other day and well this is the result. A challenge based on that. Some blush, lipstick, foundation, eyeliner, so much more beyond that. Each with a unique purpose and a distinct type of flair when used. I imagine rarity could annoy dash or aj by having a full song about it with them.

Either way thats the theme today for twilight. So take 30 minutes to make something for this challenge and then 15 minutes to send it in. And remember to have a bit of fun with what you make.

Daring Dash!

Today’s Cadance Challenge is Rainbow Dash, portraying her favourite heroine, Daring Do!

File:Rainbow Dash shines her flashlight behind her SS12.png

File:Rainbow Dash swinging from a jungle vine SS12.png

File:Slingshot honking loudly behind Rainbow Dash SS12.png

File:Parrot flying alongside Rainbow Dash SS12.png

What adventures spring to mind when Rainbow plays her idol? Or could she be a stand-in for a Daring Do production? or Could Rainbow just be fantasising again?

You have 30-minutes to draw and 15-minutes to submit!

Have Fun!