Hearts and hooves day? Valentine’s Day? Psh who needs those? It’s all about the singles who are celebrating today in their own way. who’s participating in Singles Awareness Day?
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
Hearts and hooves day? Valentine’s Day? Psh who needs those? It’s all about the singles who are celebrating today in their own way. who’s participating in Singles Awareness Day?
You’ve got 30 minutes to draw and 15 to submit!
a twilight challenge approaches!
Looks like the answer is, she gets fucked! And fucked a lot in many different ways at that!
Thanks for enlightening us as to what my favorite princess does on this joyous holiday, hexado! With this knowledge now imparted upon us, we can venture forth unto the next challenge with enlightened minds and engorged loins!
Artist: hexado (https://www.derpibooru.org/tags/artist-colon-hexado)
She’s gotta be busy doing something today! After all, she’s the princess of love! So be it sfw or nsfw, let’s find out what all she’s up to!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit.
No art was submitted for this challenge. There’s always next time though, so we hope to see you then!!
What better way to tell somepony you care about them than to give them a card! You can find cards with some great messages of support and love. You can also find some with great double entendre, which is fun too!
Make a valentines or hearts and hooves card however you want, so long as it is pony related
You have 30 minutes to draw, then 15 minutes to submit! Have fun!
Art by Kuu & Kurenai-Hio
We hope you join us then!!