
Dash in some DS inspired armor, and a very souls borne evoking image of Luna and presumably one of her miniboss underlings, amidst the legions of their slain enemies.

Thanks so much for doing some draws for us tonight you two! Hope you’re happy with your results, and we can’t wait to see you again soon!

Pabbles (
OJ (

Today’s Luna challenge is…Ponified Souls Bornes!

Dark Souls Is easily the mpost well known of the Souls Borne genre, and has attained a status so ingrained in our culture, that it’s become a measurement and example for its entire genre of game! ” Oh, it’s like dark souls but (with) ‘X’ “.

That said, let’s see how you ponify this dark and challenging game series! Any Souls Borne game will do, so if you aren’t super familiar with DS, no problem!

You have 45 minutes to draw and 15 to submit. Have fun!

No source provided

Awww fluttershy has the most obvious case of sickess with a cute little sneeze. Makes you want to give her a warm blanket and tuck her into bed. Dash on the other hand… I think she is sick with cases of delusion? I’m not a mental health expert but I think she could stand to visit someone. And maybe ask rarity for some fashion advice but that’s just me.

Thanks to Pabbles ( and Sunny Sidde-Down ( for their art and see you next time.

sick challenge

Even though you try your best sometimes you just get sick and the upset stomach, stuffy nose, and such are just to much for your body to handle without trying to get rid of whatevers causing it.

So take 30 minutes to draw someone who is sick and then 15 minutes to send it into the inbox. And stay healthy in the mean time.