Meanwhile, other universes… other uses…

Heckin’ lewd Twilight, heckin’ leeeewd. Not that her friends ever mind the advanced dick pics.

You know, come to think of it a ‘villain’ teleporting things through phones or something seems right up Equestria Girls alley…

Thanks for participating guys, hope you had fun!

We’ll see you all later for more stuff! Bye for now~


Yeah okay but…

MLP G5: NEW CHARACTERS REVEALED! Leak of Princess Zipp Storm and Pipp  Petals - YouTube

What I’m focusing on here is the phone.

Forget the princess whatever.

Its time for horses with phones once again!

Screen shots? Photo bombs? Texts? Jokes about hooves not working? We’re all in on it baby.

You’ve got 45 minutes to create followed by 15 minutes to submit! Have fun~