Be they already one with the darkness, or given a shadowy makeover by your talented hands, lets see some Goth ponies for tonight’s challenge!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Become one with your inner brooding angsty self.
Be they already one with the darkness, or given a shadowy makeover by your talented hands, lets see some Goth ponies for tonight’s challenge!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Become one with your inner brooding angsty self.
seems the gargoyle ponies have mastered adorableness!
thanks for the submission, Pabbles, hope you had fun. We’ll see everyone for the Luna challenge.
Artist Featured:
Pabbles (
Kooky, weird, looks like she got her entire wardrobe from a thift shop, creative, inventive, and cute!
Lets give Plaid Stripes some spotlight time tonight for this challenge!
30 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Have fun!
Be it a single sentient noodle, a pony made out of many pieces, an actual picture made of macaroni that you send it, or anything else, lets see some macaroni ponies tonight!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. Have Fun!
One entrant means there’s only one true Mild Salsa o3o/) enjoy ownership Pabbles!
Hope ya had fun making this qt~
See you folks later for more stuff! Bye for now!
Aww it’s ok Rainbow, you’re plenty fast!
Thanks for the submission, Pabbles, hope you had fun. We’ll see you again for the Luna challenge!
Artist Featured:
Pabbles (
I wonder what type of cheese is served at fancy dragon parties. And what their favorite wines are.
Thanks for participating, elbenjjaftw. I hope you had fun! We hope to see you later for more challenges!!
Looks like mega man is ready to get into action and fight. The only question is this the one who charges his blaster or shoots small shots.
Thanks to elbenjaftw ( for sending in this nice piece of art.
So many games, so many characters! Show us who’s your favorite! Or favorites plural if you can’t decide!
45 minutes to draw, 15 to submit. May the Force be with you!
Seems like maybe Twilight isn’t as alcoholically savvy as she’d like to think!
Thanks Pabbles, for participating in this challenge! Hope you’ll join us again soon for another one!
Artist: Pabbles (