NSFW Art~!

Mmm, yes very important lessons indeed! It would seem Luster is progressing a bit faster in her oral classes than her anal and vaginal ones. Gonna need to work on those skills a bit more, Ms. Dawn!

Many thanks to the two artists who took part in this challenge, Pabbles and Sunny Sidde-Down! Stop by anytime!

Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)
Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)

NSFW Art~!

It would indeed sell copies of the issue! But probably only on hentai websites. And who can forget when Professor Aggressor hypnotized Masked Matterhorn into becoming their personal love slave for a who five issue arc!

Thanks for stopping by to take part in the challenge, Sunny Sidde-Down and Pabbles!

Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW Art~!

Looks like Cadance is ahead in the oral competition by 2 mouthfulls of jizz, but she’s graciously let Shimmy take the top spot for the next competition~!

Pabbles, Sunny Sidde-Down, thank you so much for joining us for tonight’s challenge! Keep up the good work, and we’ll see you all next time!

Sunny Sidde-Down (https://twitter.com/SunnySiddeDown)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)


Such mess manes these sleepyheads have! And messy feathers, too! I’d never thought about that before, but sleeping on your back must suck for pegasi and alicorns.

Thank you so much for your participation in this challenge, Derpanater and Pabbles! We hope to see you again soon!

Derpanater (https://twitter.com/Derpanater1)
Pabbles (https://twitter.com/pabbley)

NSFW Art~!

Two alicorns posed for tonight’s challenge! I bet Cadance was the one who convinced Twilight to give it a try!

Thank you for joining us tonight, MILF milk plz and ShinyFilthyWork! Hope to see you again real soon!

MILF milk plz (http://)
ShinyFilthyWork (https://twitter.com/ShinyFilthyWork)


Applebloom has spent too much time talking to Treehugger and Discord it seems, and Twilight is…studying the flow of energy inside a lightning globe?

Anyway, thank you both for taking part in this challenge! See y’all next time!

Bill Neigh (http://)
Derpanater (https://twitter.com/Derpanater1)


That’s the kinda thing you’d find in a museum, or an evil villains lair! And speaking of evil villains…damn, Starlight! Guess Cozy Glow will never get to be unstoned now! Not a huge loss, really.

Thanks so much you two, for taking hte time to participate tonight! Hope you had fun, and we’ll see you next time!

Empyu (http://empyu.deviantart.com/)
xbi (https://xbi.deviantart.com)

NSFW art~!

Hmm, well, they are both wearing masks, and their hooves look clean…so I guess this is completely acceptable quarantine behavior!

Thanks for taking part in the challenge today, washyourhands! Hope you and everyone else is staying safe out there, and we’ll have more challenges for ya soon!

Artist: washyourhands (https://www.derpibooru.org)